Our research

In Malta volunteering has a long informal tradition, however it is only recently that it has been formally recognised and regulated. This together with a scarcity of local published material on the subject, highlights the important role research has to play within the sector.

Research allows us to glean an understanding of the undercurrents shaping the sector, the impact of policies and practices both direct and indirect, the affects of new developments both locally and abroad and to assess the health and state of the sector. It is through research that we can pave the road ahead and provide the best practices and measures.

In this regard the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations commissioned two research studies, one on The Participation of Maltese Young people in the Voluntary Sector and the other one on The Participation of Maltese Older People in the Voluntary Sector. These research studies can be viewed by following these links:

Study – The Participation of Maltese Young People in the Voluntary Sector

Study – The Participation of Maltese Older People in the Voluntary Sector

Moroever, information on the local scene is obtained daily through the screening of printed and online media. The office is also kept updated on the scene abroad through its online and magazine subscriptions such as the Civil Society Magazine, made available in the Office of the Commissioner’s library.